Sunday, April 29, 2007

Making A Picasa Gift CD/DVD

Picasa enables you to create a gift CD/DVD so you can share your photos with your friends and family. With a Picasa gift CD/DVD, you have the option of including auto running slideshow and a copy of the Picasa software. The only downside is you can not add music. Here are the steps to create your gift disk:

1. Select the photos you wish to copy to a gift CD/DVD.
2. Click "Gift CD" button.
3. If you want to include the auto-running slideshow, check the "Include Slideshow" box.
4. If you wish to include a copy of Picasa on the CD/DVD, check the "Include Picasa" box.
5. You can add more photos to the gift CD by clicking the "Add More" button.
6. If you want to resize the photos, you can do so using the "Picture Size" drop down. If you do not wish to resize your photos, make sure to select "Original Size".
7. Enter a name or title for your gift CD.
8. When you are ready, click "Burn Disc" button.

Do you love taking photos? Why not get paid to take pictures? Check out this website for some free and easy ways to get started selling your photos online. Or if you want to dive in head first and learn how the professional photographers make money, Click Here.

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At 5:24 AM, Blogger D. said...

You know what's bad, though? You can only create a CD with a very limited amount of albums.

I had wanted to make a CD with 1800 pictures (which fits perfectly) and 35 albums.

But now the albums overlap each other in the photo display and you can only open the ones visible on the very top. and that's not even half of them...

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Roger said...

Not sure if I can get some help, but will try.

I have an album on the Web Pages, complete with captions. I downloaded it to my PC. Now, I want to show those images to others. Somebody is bringing a laptop and a projector.

I have tried to use the Gift CD option to copy the images, plus the slide show software to the CD. After I finish the procedure, I have a blank CD, but with "properties" of 0 bytes used, 0 free bytes. The PC is a RWCombo, and has been used to burn other CDs. The disc is from a package of writable CDs, other discs have been used for writing in the past.

My actions:
1. Click on the folder, right click, choose "Select All." All images (149 images in my case) are shown in the tray on the bottom left.
2. I click the green circle, and each image now has a check mark across the image.
3. I click the CD image at the top of the album, for Gift CD.
4. A window opens along the bottom.
5. I choose "Include Slideshow" and give it a name, (no click on size changes), click on "Burn CD."
6. I get a new window, asking to erase anything on the disc - I agree to the request.
7. A new small window on the bottom right show up, with "erasing" function, then "writing," and then "Finishing."
8. A new window opens asking to "Show" or "Eject." I have tried both.
9. If I merely put the CD in the reader, it opens without finding a program. I cannot get any listing of any files or program on the CD.

What am I doing wrong?


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